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Solanie Rose Quartz Facial Roller
Solanie Rose Quartz Facial Roller

Solanie Rose Quartz Facial Roller


Holistic massage with Rose Quartz roller reduces the stress in the face muscles, relieves stress, increases blood circulation, enhances lymph circulation. Smoothes smaller wrinkles, reduces edema around the eyes. This creates a more flexible, and tight skin.

8 199 Ft
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Rose Quartz: one of the 12 master crystals. It has been used since ancient times to significantly increase women’s fertility, and also has a calming effect. Balances feelings. It is the crystal of love, it frees you from all kinds of heartache, frustration, unspoken emotions.


  • Apply serum, oil or cream to the skin so as not to harass the skin
  • Move the stone from the bottom up to achieve the Lifting effect

Why choose Solanie Rose Quartz Facial Roller?

  • It relaxes the facial muscles
  • Stress reliever
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Perfect choice for gentle lymphatic drainage massage
  • Large roller – mouth - décolleté, jaw, face
  • Small roller – around the eyes, mouth
  • Perfect choice for home use

Extra tip:

  • heat it up in hot water, helps relax the muscles
  • cool it down in the fridge, helps pore tightening effect

* Attention: Each stone is unique, the shade of pink may be different for each one.

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Recommended for skin type:
All skin type

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