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Mint essential oil

Mint essential oil

INCI Name: Peppermint essential oil

The mint species have many members. These include peppermint, spearmint, bergamot mint, spearmint.
Among them, peppermint is used most often in both medicine and skin care. The main active ingredients of the essential oil made from it by steam distillation are: menthol, menthone

Tonic, digestive aid, anti-nausea, refreshing, cooling, enhances mental freshness.
It is effective in constricting capillaries, menopause heat waves and pain relief.

products containing Mint essential oil active ingredient:
  • Marigold = flower of joy. An outstanding skin regenerating, anti-inflammatory active ingredient.

  • Air-purifying, calming, anxiety-relieving, digestion-supporting, skin-toning, and antioxidant.
