INCI Name:
Pomegranates are known to contain proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes are very effective for breaking down large proteins that can accumulate on the skin. Traditionally, enzymes are isolated in a purified form in effort to maximize activity. However in reality, these enzymes do not naturally exist in biological systems as isolated enzymes. They exist as complexes, protected and guided by chaperone proteins ACB Modified Pomegranate Enzyme PF is ideal for skin and hair care applications to promote gentle, yet effective, exfoliation by capitalizing on the properties of proteolytic enzymes.
Cellular renewal is beneficial for visibly improving skin tone and texture as well as aiding in the skin’s function as a protective barrier from harmful chemical and environmental exposure that can lead to premature aging
Az olajban található antioxidánsok és tokoferolok segítenek megelőzni a bőrfertőzéseke.
Creatine can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increasing skin firmness.