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Delivery information

Possible delivery options for orders placed in Solanie.hu online store.

Products ordered in Solanie.hu online store are delivered everywhere throughout the country. Delivery time is 3-5 working days.
In case the order is above gross 15 000 HUF the delivery is free, we take over the delivery cost.

Collection in person

In store - you can collect your order in person
Contact details: 1143 Budapest, Gizella út 28/b.
Opening hours: Mon-Tue-Thu: 9:00-16:30

Parcel collection from Pick Pack Point 
There are 600 Pick Pack Points in 190 cities in Hungary, so you can collect your order at one of these specific access points. The package is delivered to the selected Pick Pack Point after the dispatch in 2-3 working days. The upper weight limit for these parcels is 20 kg.

Parcel collection from MPL parcel terminal, and 125 MOL gas stations
You can pick up the ordered goods conveniently 24/7 from a parcel terminal in several parts of the country or at selected MOL stations. The shipment will arrive at the selected parcel terminal or MOL gas station within 1-2 working days after dispatch. Maximum weight limit at MOL station and MPL parcel machines: 20 kg.

Parcel collection from Hungarian Post Office, Postal
PointsHungarian Post Office has the largest network in the country, so you can collect your items at one of the 2.550 Postal Points. The shipment will arrive at the selected Postal Point within 2-3 business days after dispatch. Maximum weight limit at post office’s Postal Point: 30 kg.

Charges in case of parcel collection in person:

  Collecion in store PPP parcel point MPL parcel point Postal PointUP
to 3.000 Ft HUF Free 799 HUF 999 HUF 899 HUF
3.001- 6.000 HUF Free 749 HUF 899 HUF 849 HUF
6.001 - 15.000 HUF Free 699 HUF 849 HUF 799 HUF
Above 15.000 HUF  Free Free Free Free

Delivery by courier service

Packages are delivered by courier services throughout the weekdays usually between 8 and 17 o’clock. Courier services inform their customers in advance via text message about the estimated time period when the package is expected to arrive. In case you are not at home during these hours it’s practical (if you can) to give the address of your workplace as the delivery address. If the courier can’t find anybody at the given address he leaves a note with a phone number. You can get information about the whereabouts of your package by calling that number.The courier attempts to deliver the package again on the following day. If the second attempt is failed again the package is sent back to our premises and the order gets cancelled. In case of undelivered packages customers are charged for the delivery fees. Orders from our online store are delivered by Hungarian Postal Services or Express One Hungary Ltd. (former name: Trans-o-Flex).

Express delivery
In case you need your package urgently than on working days you can get it even within 180 minutes.
Express delivery is only available to the following destinations: Alsónémedi, Budakalász, Budakeszi, Budaörs, Csömör, Diósd, Dunaharaszti, Dunakeszi, Ecser, Érd, Fót, Gyál, Halásztelek, Kistarcsa, Nagytarcsa, Maglód, Pécel, Remeteszőlős, Solymár, Szigetszentmiklós, Üröm, Vecsés
